Due solely to
lack of funds some
people are living in a world of silence with no
hope. Lend An Ear
wants to change that.
Our history.
Lend An Ear Outreach was created in March 2012 by a group of four women who saw the impact of hearing loss on the elderly. Lend An Ear’s mission is to make the gift of hearing available to all low-income people, beginning with seniors over the age of sixty in our Northeast Florida community. We have seen first-hand how the gift of hearing has restored people back to a world of promise and the enormous difference it has made in the lives of seniors. Read more
Getting involved.
Volunteer with us
We need YOU! Our volunteers, who we call Amplifiers, are truly at the heart of “Lend An Ear” and help us touch more lives every day. You can volunteer from anywhere, even online. Contact us
Attend events
Come join us at any of our monthly meetings and learn valuable insight on hearing loss. From what hearing loss is to how hearing loss can be preventable. Join us
In partnership with doctors of audiology, and through donations from individuals and corporations, your donation will help provide free hearing examinations; and upon diagnosis, providing hearing aids at little or no cost to those in need. Donate now
We refurbish used hearing aids to fit another person.
Mail us your hearing aid in 4 easy steps:
“At this time the organization has no paid staff and the Board and volunteers are responsible for all operational activities and are providing the gift of hearing to many seniors.”
-Scott Hetzinger
What is hearing loss?
Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, which can be temporary or permanent. In children hearing problems can affect the ability to learn language and in adults it can cause work related difficulties. Hearing loss may be caused by a number of factors, including: genetics, aging, exposure to noise, some infections, birth complications, trauma to the ear, and certain medications or toxins.
A common condition that results in hearing loss is chronic ear infections. Certain infections during pregnancy may also cause problems. Hearing loss is diagnosed when hearing testing finds that a person is unable to hear 25 decibels in at least one ear. Testing for poor hearing is recommended for all newborns. Hearing loss can be categorized as mild, moderate, severe, or profound.
What are the treatments?
Half of hearing loss is preventable. This includes by immunization, proper care around pregnancy, avoiding loud noise, and avoiding certain medications. For many hearing aids, sign language, cochlear implants and subtitles are useful. Lip reading is another useful skill some develop. Access to hearing aids, however, is limited due to cost.
Hearing Loss affects about 1.1 billion people to some degree. It causes disability in 5% (360 to 538 million) and moderate to severe disability in 124 million people. Of those with moderate to severe disability 108 million live in low and middle income. Of those with hearing loss it began in 65 million during childhood.
Hearing statistics
Hearing loss can’t be seen, so you might think your older adult’s odd behavior is caused by disinterest, confusion, or personality changes. And sometimes, hearing loss can even be confused with signs of dementia.
.Statistics Sources
We’d love to hear from you.
If you have a question about getting involved as a volunteer, or you’re wondering whether you qualify for a hearing aid, or you would like to know more about Lend An Ear, contact Scott Hetzinger at: [email protected] or call 904.285.1384.
Lend An Ear
[email protected]
904.241.HEAR or 904.285.1384
1000 Vicars Landing Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 32082